Shannon here: Historical romance author, Kathleen Y’Barbo shares insight into her real life romance and a chance to win a copy of The Inconvenient Marriage of Charlotte Beck. Comment on any post dated June 6 – 10 for a chance to win. For this drawing-only U.S. and Canadian addresses eligible. Deadline: June 11th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Kathleeen:
1. What’s the most romantic thing your spouse has ever done for you?
He’s done so many romantic things that it’s hard to choose. However, one of my favorites occurred when he showed up at a book signing in Fort Worth a month or so after we’d started dating wearing his Air Force uniform and carrying a dozen roses in various colors. The reason for multiple colors of blooms? He didn’t know which was my favorite and wanted to get it right, so he chose some of each. Along with the roses came an engraved invitation (literally) to visit him in Tulsa complete with every piece of tourist information he could find at the welcome center.
2. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for your spouse?
Compared to Robert, I’m sadly lacking in the romantic gesture department. I dedicated my last book to him. Does that count?
3. Where is the most romantic place you and your spouse have ever been?
Immediately after our marriage ceremony, Robert and I drove over to a gorgeous beach on Oahu’s North shore. There was literally only a pair of sea turtles for company as we stood on the sand and watched the waves roll in that morning.
4. Do you and your spouse have a favorite romantic restaurant?
We have a favorite restaurant, Smoke, here in Tulsa that we love. We’re both foodies, and the menu there is just fabulous.
5. Do you and your spouse have a favorite song?
There are a couple of them that hold meaning for us, actually. “The Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts tells our story so well. Also, Robert is a huge Beatles fan. I hadn’t heard “Something” since high school, but the words resonate with my feelings for him. With our blended family, we should probably claim the theme from the Brady Bunch as well! Oh, and then there’s that Brad Paisley song “I’m Still a Guy.” I could go on, but I wont.
6. What’s the most romantic present your spouse ever bought for you?
For my birthday, which occurred right after we started dating, he sent me a candle with an inscription that spoke to my heart. It’s something I treasure and have on prominent display in our family room.
7. What’s the most romantic present you ever bought your spouse?
He would probably say it’s the gigantic television in the family room.
8. Do you and your spouse have a favorite romantic vacation destination?
This is going to sound corny, but we love to be home together. Truly our time is precious, and our home is our sanctuary. However, we also love to take long drives with the top down on our convertible, which are so much fun and can be extremely romantic.
9. What simple gesture does your spouse do that melts you every time?
He asks me to marry him – almost every day. I never know when he’s going to say it, or if he will, so when he does, I just melt. And laugh. For some reason, I always laugh. But then I laughed the first time he asked me as well.
10. How soon after meeting your spouse did you know he/she was the one?
Technically we met 35 years prior to our “meeting.” I considered Robert a good friend in high school, but I had lost track of him over the years. When we reconnected on Facebook, I just thought he was another guy from school to add to my friend list. A few weeks later he and his teenage daughter were coming through the town where I lived on his way to his high school reunion (he was one grade ahead of me in school). We made plans for the four of us to have dinner – Robert, me, and our teenage daughters – just dinner, nothing romantic because neither of us were interested in a relationship. In anticipation of that, we started talking on the phone. We would talk for hours, literally. When I finally met him again face-to-face I felt like no time had passed since the last time I’d seen him back in high school. So, I suppose the answer is after 35 years, I knew immediately.
11. How soon after meeting you did your spouse know you were the one?
Robert read my answer to the question and said he agrees. So, immediately after 35 years is the winning answer.
12. Who is most romantic, you or your spouse?
I think we both do pretty well in the romantic department, however, I think I’d give the edge to Robert. He spoils me in a big way, and I love it!
13. What is the most caring thing your spouse has ever done for you?
He does so much, but the thing he does that continues to amaze me is how protective he is of me. I never have to think about whether he will take care of things because he does. He’s quietly strong and the rock that I lean on. And, to my great delight, he notices things. Little things, big things, he’s aware of me – of us – and I find that absolutely amazingly wonderful.
14. What is the most caring thing you’ve ever done for your spouse?
He claims it’s that I don’t try to talk to him when he’s playing video games. I think it’s that I’ve learned to like “Dr. Who” and “BBC’s Top Gear”. Seriously, I think it’s the sum total of all the little things. I love him, and I tell him so – a lot. And I show him through my actions, be it cooking a meal he likes, leaving him a note, or giving him a kiss when he’s not expecting it. Most important, I ask God every day to show me how to be the best wife I can to him.
As I was finishing up this interview, Robert called with another answer to this question. He said that the most caring thing I do for him is to let him be the man. I don’t point out his flaws (he says he already knows what they are) and I don’t tell him what to do. I just let him be who he is. I like that answer. And, for the record, I like who he is.
15. Who said, “I love you” first, you or your spouse?
Robert did. I came in a close second.
16. Where did you and your spouse go for your honeymoon?
Honolulu, Hawaii. We eloped, so our honeymoon and marriage all happened in the same place. Full disclosure requires that I admit we’re still newlyweds. Despite the fact it feels like we’ve been together forever (in a good way), Robert and I celebrate our first anniversary October 9.
About Kathleen:
Kathleen is a best-selling author of more than thirty books. In all, over 850,000 copies of her books are currently in print in the US and abroad. She has been named as a finalist in the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year contest every year since its inception in 2003, often for more than one book.
In addition to her prolific writing career, Kathleen is also a publicist at Books & Such Literary Agency. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, American Christian Fiction Writers, the Public Relations Society of America, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and Authors Guild and is also a degreed paralegal specializing in criminal and family law. A native Texan, Kathleen has three grown sons and a teenage daughter.
About the book: An aristocratic astronomer out to save his family and a Denver heiress out to take on the world meet their match in THE INCONVENIENT MARRIAGE OF CHARLOTTE BECK, the latest historical romp in the Women of the West series from Kathleen Y’Barbo. From Buffalo Bill Cody and his Wild West Show’s London debut to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich and the mining town of Leadville, Colorado, join Charlotte Beck and Viscount Hambly as they discover that sometimes love arrives at the most inconvenient of times. In stores June 21, 2011. Read a sneak peek of the first three chapters at or pre-order now at
Come back June 8 for historical romance author, Lena Nelson Dooley’s interview and a chance to win a copy of Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico.
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Great Interview! Letting a husband “be the man” is sometimes hard, but so worth it. And then there’s the TV thing. I learned a long time ago to be thankful that my husband doesn’t watch sports voraciously, so if he wants to veg out with “House Hunters” or “Meet the Press,” I try to keep quiet about it! LOL
Oh, this sounds like such a fun read!!!!!! Kathleen, enjoy your 7th month anniversary this week!
I love it that their favorite place to be is home- such a lovely sentiment and I know what she means- ‘there’s no place like home” The book looks so cute- love the cover!
I’m Robert’s sister and I loved this interview. I knew they are crazy about each other and it makes me feel great that they put it out there for everyone to see and be an inspiration to all of us. I look forward to the many years ahead of Kathleen being my sister-in-law and special friend and enjoying her wonderful books. Love you Kathleen.
This was sweet to hear. Nice to know you are both so happy.
Love you too, Nina! Getting a new sister just sweetened the deal! 🙂
Kathleen & Robert’s story is the new fairy tale in my life! I can only dream of something like that happening to me.
Very romantic, indeed. 🙂
Oh, well, this is too sweet and adorable, and I needed me some Y’Barbo time. So stinkin’ cute and normal. Gotta love a girl like this. Ladies, fun, fun interview and Kathleen, I just love seeing you so happy. And cute, of course!
Bless you!
Great interview and I LOVE this story! I was sitting at the door when they walked into that class reunion and knew immediately something special was going on :). Love you, guys! My best always!
Would love to win your book.I know what a great writer you are!
Glad I got to see the two of you holding hands and smiling at each other during the Class Reunion. Very, very nice!
Wow, I love all the comments. Keep em coming. Glad Kathleen could be here today.
Hey Shannon, Nice to see your still hard at it. When will we see your next ones out?
This is a very interesting story. Would be great to win the book. It would be even better if Mrs. Kathleen would sign it for me. God Bless you all.
Such a sweet interview! Don’t enter me to win. I already have the book 🙂
“I let him be who he is…I like who he is.” What affirming words! Isn’t that what we all long for–someone who believes in us and plays up our good side? Great interview!
I’d love to read your new book. 🙂
I love this interview. This is the kind of romance most people can only dream of. And it’s for real. I know how Robert and Kathleen feel…I found the very same thing just a few years ago and we are still honeymooning…”we let each other be who we are…and we like who each other is”! The Lord is already blessing this couple. I’d love to have the new book 🙂
What a precious, wonderful, sweet romance! Love reading about Kathleen and Robert. I’m so happy for both of you!!
Super-sized blessings for today and the future!
Thanks for the true life love story, I hope you have many years together.
I have enjoyed the first two books in the Women of the West series and am looking forward to reading this one.
What a romantic story! I loved reading about it and hearing about your books.
My husband and I had God Blessed the Broken Road at our wedding 5 years ago – such a wonderfully romantic song showing God’s providence!
Looks like an interesting book. Congratulations Kathleen!
Lovely interview, Kathleen. I have to admit that after hearing from Cathy Hake about how they prayed for you to find Mr. Right at last year’s retreat and then celebrated with you when you did, I couldn’t wait to learn more about your courtship. Thanks for sharing. Robert sounds like a wonderful man. I’m so happy for all four of you.
Your new book looks like another marvelous romp!
What a romantic story! Nothing like a military man. Mine was Air Force and my oldest son is Navy. ;0) Ya gotta love them!
What a lovely story. I’m glad you’re so happy. Robert sounds wonderful. Thank God for his blessings. My Prince Charming drove up in a 1970 lime green muscle car. We celebrated our 37th anniversary this spring. God is good.
How romatic!! Thanks for telling us your story. I absolutely love it. I love real life happy endings. My husband & I met through a personal ad that I put in a magazaine, 28 years ago. We have been married for 26 years.
Please add me to the drawing for The Inconvenient Marriage of Charolette Beck. Thanks for the chance to win.
Enjoyed this interview so much! Kathleen, you’re making me believe in romance again! I’d love a chance to win your book. 🙂
I loved reading about your real life romance!
You definitely have a very romantic husband! Sounds like a keeper! Congrats a little late on your first anniversary! Newlyweds, indeed! I’d love to win your book, as I haven’t read a book by you yet. Please enter me.
Thanks for the fun interview!
Kathleen’s love story is so touching and sweet. May God bless you with many happy years!
I’d love to be entered in the drawing, I am enjoying this delightful series.
I thoroughly enjoyed Kathleen’s interview. How awesome that a romance writer has such a romantic hubby. =)
Great interview and… yeah… I guessed the newlywed part before she disclosed it. 😉 Thanks for a chance to win the book!
Since Rosemary asked:
RODEO DUST – Oct 2011
RODEO HERO – March 2012
RODEO ASHES – June 2012
(Heartsong Presents)
Great interview.Inconvenient Marriage of Charlotte Beck sound wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.Thanks for a chance to win the book!
I loved reading about Kathleen’s relationship with her husband. What a blessing! I am so happy for her.
This is a great story. I too am now married to a good friend from high school. After being married to the same man for 26 years, when he came back from Iraq he decided he wanted to start a new family. I was lost since my whole identity was as his wife and mother of our 6 kids. I answered a message from a friend from high school. He has just came back from Iraq and was in the process of a divorce also. We first started talking on the computer and soon on the phone. I told him I would be moving back to our hometown the following month. Before the month was over he had come down to where I was a helped move me home. We have been married for a little over 2 years and together have 9 kids and 13 grandkids. He has become a grandfather many times over and they all love him. Thanks for sharing that we are not alone with our mix matched family.
I loved this interview. My mom and my stepdad went to high school together, and then married 28 years after they graduated, so I really loved reading Kathleen and Robert’s story.
Wow! Kathleen’s post garnered the most comments in the history of the Inkslinger blog. I appreciate Kathleen for sharing her story and everyone who stopped by. I have a winner: Karen Witemeyer won the drawing for The Inconvenient Marriage of Charlotte Beck.