Shannon here: Leeann Betts shares insight into her real life romance bleeds into her fiction, plus a chance to win a copy of her latest Romantic Suspense, In the Money. Comment or answer the question to enter the drawing for a free print copy (US only) or ebook (winner’s choice). Deadline: July 6th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Leann:
These are a few of my favorite things. . .
Chocolate. Cruises. Vacations somewhere warm. Cats in my lap. A good book. And a fireplace on a snowy day.
But recently my husband gifted me with one of the most romantic things ever.
We were hosting a Sixty-fifth birthday for a friend. One that morphed from simply having said friend having us at his house for dinner to suddenly hostessing for nine people, including a pastor and a couple from our church—you can sense the stress, right?
Particularly since my housekeeper didn’t make it the previous week because she was sick.
And so the house hadn’t been cleaned in almost three weeks. We’d gone through all four seasons in that time—rainy, dry, mud, and snow. My living room had more grit than a sandbox, and I could plant potatoes in the dust on my furniture. And let’s not even mention the bathroom.
I was already overworked and overwhelmed, standing in the kitchen after breakfast with a deer-in-the-headlights feeling, not sure where to start, when hubby came upstairs from our shared office and said the sexiest words I’ve heard in a long time.
“What can I do to help you get ready?”
Not: can I help.
Not: let me know if I can help.
What. Can. I . Do.
Sweet words like the balm of Gilead to my soul.
Instant peace washed over me as I contemplated how to best use this man.
But first, show appreciation.
I clasped his cheeks in my hands and planted a huge kiss on his mouth and said, “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve heard in months.”
He smiled. “I’m going to ask it more often in that case.”
So he spent the next few hours doing a deep clean on the kitchen, from the top of the fridge to the floor, while I tended to the bathroom and living areas. He did a great job. Never complained once.
Now that’s love.
And that’s another of my favorite things. Showing love to the ones I love.
In my latest release, In the Money, Carly’s husband Mike demonstrates his love for her by making meals or bringing her a snack at the end of a stressful day, or simply sitting and holding her when she’s sad. Mike is based on my husband.
Carly shows love to Mike by trying to stay out of trouble and not getting kidnapped or killed. I’d like to be more like Carly, but in real life, I try to do little things like polish hubby’s shoes, or empty the kitchen trash, or rub that tender spot at the base of his neck.
About Leeann: Leeann Betts writes contemporary romantic suspense, while her real-life persona, Donna Schlachter, pens historical romantic suspense. In the Money is the tenth title in her cozy mystery series, and together she and Donna have published more than 25 novellas and full-length novels. They ghostwrite, judge writing contests, edit, facilitate a critique group, and are members of American Christian Fiction Writers, Writers on the Rock, and Sisters in Crime. Leeann travels extensively to research her stories, and is proud to be represented by Terrie Wolf of AKA Literary LLC. Learn more and connect:
Leeann’s Website – Receive a free ebook just for signing up for our quarterly newsletter.
About the boook – In the Money:
When Carly’s neighbor, a recent lottery winner who doesn’t trust banks, disappears on his way home from cashing his check, Carly doesn’t buy the story that he left on a long vacation. And what about this mystery friend he talks about, the one who’s been giving him investment advice?
On top of that, another mystery rears up: somebody has hacked into a hospital computer system and is issuing fraudulent billings. Mike and Carly are hired to stop the breach and identify the culprit. There are plenty of suspects: Gerard Payne, an IT guy at the hospital with a gambling problem. Gail Prouse, the hospital CEO, whose mother is in an very expensive nursing home. Ted Wilson, hospital director who knows more about computers than he lets on. And two other employees who worked at companies which also experienced similar breaks in their cybersecurity.
Does Bob, the insurance investigator for the community hospital know anything about the missing neighbor? Is he involved in anything else nefarious, such as the recent bout of double and triple billings of health insurers that’s been in the news?
Can Carly learn the truth or will she disappear along with her neighbor and his money?
Can’t wait for the drawing or worried you won’t win? Get your copy now:
Question for Readers: What are a few of your favorite things? How do you show love to those around you?
Come back June 28th for Tara Johnson!
Thank you, Shannon, for having me on your blog today!
Glad to have you Donna. I love my chlorinated swimming pool and air conditioning when it’s hot, a cat in my lap, grilled shrimp, and fudge bars. I also love Alice – my robot vacuum cleaner my husband bought me last year for our anniversary. She’s busy cleaning as we speak.
I show love by cooking things my family likes. Watching movies with them that don’t really interest me, just so we can do something together. I like buying or making gifts for family and friends that I know they’ll love, even if it’s something small.
show love with a touch,smile ,doing something special for them. favorite things are reading and cooking/baking ,chocolate, my daughter and God.
Hi Shelia – Thanks for commenting and stopping by the blog! Have a blessed day!
I have a winner! Michelle Lewis won the drawing. I appreciate Leeann for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by. This drawing was combined with Tara Johnson’s.