Shannon here: Inspirational author, Linda Wood Rondeau shares insight into her real life romance, plus a chance to win a copy of It Really IS a Wonderful Life. Comment or answer the question at the end of any post dated June 22 – 26 to enter the drawing. Deadline: July 4th, 11:59 pm. Here’s Linda:
Roles to Last a Lifetime by Linda Wood Rondeau:
“Really, Steve, must you click before I’m ready?”
Getting ready for dinner theater performance of, She Died Before Dessert. I played a silent movie star’s assistant. Steve played the role of a harried silent-movie producer.
Community Theater became an important part of our lives during our married lifetime.
Following Juno and the Paycock, Steve and I were cast in many plays together. One I’ll always remember as much fun was, Neil Simon’s, God’s Favorite, a take-off on the Book of Job. I played Joe’s very impatient wife. Steve was God’s Messenger, an angel who predicted Joe’s on-going woes.
This play, as many of those we did together was symbolic of our decades-long marriage. Life brought us many things we’d have to overcome, but God brought us through.
In The Wizard of Oz, I played the evil witch and Steve was the adorable scarecrow. The children were munchkins. We walked our own Yellow Brick road soon after with a move away from our beloved Malone to a new town. We did some Community Theater in Ogdensburg, but found we used our theatrical experience in helping our church develop drama presentations.
Eight years later we returned to Malone—one child out of the nest and two more would soon be leaving for college as well. Our former theater group had reorganized. Steve, now serving as a school board member, was asked to join so that the new troupe, now named North Franklin Theater Group, would have access to a local school for productions. And so, we resumed our involvement. We were both cast in a mystery dinner theater, my role as an elderly playwright, and Steve as my long-time lover. What fun.
Later Steve directed Steel Magnolias, our daughter cast as Shelby and me as M’Lynn, once again a family affair.
During our production of Bleacher Bums, my husband became ill and was unable to finish as director. I took over for him. I think it was reminiscent of our years together. When one was down, the other lifted up. One of the reasons we’ve survived thirty-seven years of marriage.
Scorching Saddles was a western spoof. Steve played a “sidekick” to a cowboy hero and I was missionary who was really not so righteous after all. Since money was tight, our most frequent thing to do together was Community Theater. After all, it was how we met, and participating in one or two plays a year, helped us remember how we fell in love. Sometimes, the experience became a family affair.
Above: a missionary with a hidden agenda – me and an adorable sidekick – Steve
We now live in Florida. While our circumstances have not allowed us opportunity to enjoy participation in local theater, we occasionally have a date night at The Alhambra Theater, a semi-professional dinner theater organization. We recently saw Lisa Welchel in Butterflies are Free.
Theater will always be a part of who we are. Why I wrote It Really IS a Wonderful Life.
About Linda: Winner of the 2012 Selah Award for best first novel The Other Side of Darkness, LINDA WOOD RONDEAU, writes blended contemporary fiction that speaks to the heart and offers hope to those with damaged lives. After a long career in human services, Linda now resides in Jacksonville, Florida. A Christmas Prayer, (aka A Father’s Prayer) was a finalist for both the 2014 Selah and Carol Awards.
It Really IS a Wonderful Life, inspired by the author’s personal experience, quickly became a Christmas classic. Watch for Fiddler’s Fling and Red Sky Promise, inspirational romances expected to be released later in 2015.
For sci-fi lovers, Rondeau offers a free download of her book, The Fifteenth Article , from her website. Feel free to share with friends and family.
Readers may visit her web site at, her blog:, or email her at or find her on,,, and
About the book – It Really IS a Wonderful Life:
Midville newcomer and Iraq War widow, Dorie Fitzgerald, despises the frigid Adirondack wasteland that has now become her home.
After twenty failed job interviews, she questions the wisdom of moving to be near her parents. Desperate to belong, she joins the local Community Theater, in production for It’s a Wonderful Life. Jamey Sullivan has put his professional life on hold in order to run the family business and to help his ailing father. He signs on for Midville’s production of It’s a Wonderful Life, although he hopes to receive a Broadway casting call any day now.
When these two meet, they are instantly attracted to one another. However, ambition, demanding children, and a romantic rival threaten to squash their growing love for one another. It Really IS a Wonderful Life is set in the beautiful Adirondack mountains, a perfect backdrop for romantic conflict.
Question for readers: In your opinion, what makes a romantic scene memorable? Give an example from a movie, book, or from a real-life experience.
Come back June 26 for part 3 with Linda!
I can’t put my finger on what makes something romantic other than its the frame of mind that I’m in at the time.
I love the sweet kissing scenes. The ones where you know it’s not going any further–it’s just sweet. Denise Hunter does really great sweet kiss scenes in her books. For movies–I usually watch the Hallmark ones.
The security of knowing without any doubt you are both there for each other regardless of what happens in life.