Shannon here: Contemporary Romance author, Regina Merrick shares how she met her husband and how her characters meet in her debut novel, Carolina Dream. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing for winner’s choice of an e-book or paperback copy. Deadline: June 10th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Regina:
I was very young when Todd and I began dating, but we had known one another since our preschool years. My mother-in-law likes to tell the story of how my husband wanted to trade his brother (one month younger than me) for me, and how my brother-in-law (five years older than me) asked her how old he would be when I turned eighteen. He knew HIS mom got married at eighteen, so that was the date in that five-year-old boy’s mind!
Then there’s the fact that when I was five, Todd’s YOUNGER brother was the object of my affections. I was pre-destined to become a Merrick, apparently.
But when it came to our engagement, we were living in separate states. My parents had accepted a call into volunteer missions at a Baptist camp in Indiana. We lived there for three of the four years my husband and I dated. He was in college, I was in high school. That time of my life was NOT funny, but it taught me a lot about commitment and faith. Looking back, it was a growing time for both of us.
We became officially engaged on my eighteenth birthday. That began the wedding preparations that would happen the next year, when my parents moved to Wyoming to serve in a church there. At that time my parents still owned property in Kentucky, and still had some cattle that my uncle had cared for.
The day before our wedding, I was helping to round up one of the said cattle. It was being sold to pay for my reception, and that crazy cow was NOT going to settle down and get in that truck. It ran this way and that, and I, as the one guarding the gate to the road, was in her way. She decided she was just going to go through me.
I am thankful that my 19-year-old reflexes were good, and I jumped into the bramble next to the gate. Other than some scratches, I came out unscathed. And yes, the cow was sold. Can you believe a wedding reception could be paid for, in 1983, with the proceeds from selling one cow? Either beef was high at that time, or catering was low – and I think it’s that catering was just that much less expensive!
Speaking of being run down by animals, here is a scene from my debut book, Carolina Dream, which I think you’ll like! While Todd and I have known one another forever, my characters, Sarah and Jared haven’t met yet . . .
Excerpt from Carolina Dream:
After an hour on the beach, he gave up. She wasn’t coming. Of course, it was only eight o’clock. Maybe she wasn’t an early riser either. Heat rippled up from the sand. The sand crabs scrambled for shade as they burrowed in the sand. It always amazed him. But they had the right idea. He couldn’t dig into the sand, but he could jump in the ocean and cool off.
After his swim, he jogged down the beach and dried off enough to get into his car. He made his way to the steps of the boardwalk that traversed the dunes between beach and civilization. As he reached the top, a flurry of brindle fur and a happy tongue almost caught him unaware. He righted himself before he fell backward.
“Whoa! Slow down, there, buddy!” He laughed at the friendly pooch and looked up at his owner.
It was her.
And he couldn’t stop staring.
A flawless complexion, blue eyes—or were they green? Long hair pulled up on top of her head with a clip. A modest suit tantalized enough to make him know she was an attractive young lady. Attractive? More like beautiful. And she was, on some level, according to that nagging voice inside, the enemy.
Sarah’s face reddened as she pulled at the leash. “Oliver! I don’t know what’s wrong with him. Usually he’s suspicious of strange men, but he acts like he’s just found his best friend. Please excuse him.”
Jared found his voice. He swallowed thickly and smiled. “No apologies necessary. I’m a dog-lover myself, but I don’t have one right now. Always did as a kid, though.”
Sarah grinned. “You seem to know dogs. You found his favorite spot to be rubbed.”
Jared rubbed Oliver’s ears and chest vigorously, going for the spots that reduced the pup to a quivering mass of happiness. She was watching him curiously. Maybe her eyes were gray?
“You staying here at the Sandpiper?” He stood and stepped to one side to give her room to pass.
“Yes, we got here last night. And you?”
“No, I work around here. Just checking things out.” He avoided her eyes. He didn’t like lying to her. And he wasn’t. He was checking things out. Mainly her.
“Seems nice.”
“It is. Listen, have a great stay, and don’t forget the sunscreen. Watch out for this guy. He seems to make friends easily.” He held his hand up and took his leave, while Sarah and Oliver made their way down the steps and into the sand.
About Regina: Regina Rudd Merrick began reading romance and thinking of book ideas as early as her teenage years when she attempted a happily-ever-after sequel to “Gone With the Wind.” That love of fiction parlayed into a career as a librarian, and she is currently the director of a small public library in Marion, KY. She began attending local writing workshops and continued to hone her craft by writing several short and novel-length fan-fiction pieces published online, where she met other authors with a similar love for story, a Christian worldview, and happily-ever-after. Married for 30+ years and active in their church, Regina and her husband have two grown daughters who share her love of music, writing, and the arts. Learn more and connect:
Regina’s Website Regina’s Facebook Regina’s Twitter
Regina’s Instagram Regina’s Pinterest Regina’s Publisher
About the book – Carolina Dream: Sarah Crawford wants more from life than to attend the wedding of her ex-fiancée. An unexpected inheritance in South Carolina comes at the perfect time, just as Sarah is willing to use any excuse to get out of town.
When she meets potential business partner Jared Benton and discovers that a house is part of the inheritance, she is sure that God has been preparing her for this time through a recurring dream. But will a dream about an antebellum mansion, many rooms to be explored, and a man with dark brown eyes give her the confidence to take a leap of faith, leaving friends, family, and her job behind?
Can’t wait for the drawing? Get your copy now:
Carolina Dream Paperback Carolina Dream Ebook
Question for Readers: Have you or someone you know had a too close encounter with an animal?
yes, a steer gored me in the hand with horns and a duck bit me on the leg! Cat got my daughter on the arm too
OK, a gored hand tops getting run into the briars by a mad heifer! LOL!!
Regina, what a fun story about how you two met! God had a plan for you from the beginning. I guess that included Todd and writing.
Definitely! It’s funny – I started talking about how we “met,” which I really don’t remember, but ended up with a funny story anyway! LOL!!
As the publisher, don’t put my name in for the drawing. I have copies. I loved the scene where Jared and Sarah met. I read it so many times before we published the book. It’s a good start of a romance. Loved the book and I’m still waiting on the next. This is a well-written book with lots of actions and romance.
Thanks, Kathy! Just wait – there’s even more action in the next one! 🙂
My “close encounter” was with a buffalo in Yellowstone National Park.
My husband, our 2 friends, and myself were sitting in the RV. I looked out the window and all I saw was a huge eye looking back at me. I never realized how tall those animals are.
LOL!! We drove through Custer State Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and a buffalo walked right up to the side of the car! Intimidating, how big they are!! So amazing to see God’s creatures that you don’t usually see “up close and personal!”
We live in a rural area, and my husband had a close encounter with a skunk last fall. When we walked out of the front door, we could smell it, so he ran right to the car. The skunk was off to the side of the road. Ick!
Oh, bless you! There’s an area close to us that we lovingly call “skunk alley,” because at a certain time of year you can smell skunk EVERY TIME you drive through there. ICK is right!
I went to a petting zoo when I was a kid and a goat tried to eat my jacket. I remember it scaring me and my jacket was really slimy.
One time my cousin and I were at the pond when visiting our grandparents. My poodle was with us. A half grown calf was on the other side of the pond, it kept coming closer and closer, so we took off running for the house. It chased us. The grownups said it was curious about my poodle.
I still like a fence between myself and any large animal whether it be goat, cow, or horse. Even though I like horses. They’re just so big.
My close encounter was with a German Shepard when I was 10 years old. I was walking to a friend’s house when it ran out of no where & charged me, and tried to bite me in the hand. Thankfully I had mittens on, but I could feel it’s fangs against my fingers. It growled and wouldn’t let go. I didn’t move. I was so terrified. I screamed for help for what seemed like hours until a man heard me and came on got the dog off me.
We drove through an animal park on vacation one year and a camel stuck his head through our rolled down window to get a bite of food. Quite funny and unnerving at the same time.
I have a winner! Dianna won the drawing. I appreciate Regina for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.