So y’all have been hearing from me a lot lately. Seems like several of my authors have had to cancel lately, so you get me.
Lately, I’ve been mostly editing. But I only have one more project this year, unless I get caught up on my writing and take some freelance jobs.
I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I am still writing. I’m reworking some chapters for a potential Love Inspired series. Once I turn them in to my agent, I’ll work on a long length Women’s Fiction that’s been an in between other projects project for a long time. It’s finished and has been for a long time. But I’m sprucing and fixing, trying to take the characters and story deeper.
Grant and I have been helping our son and his wife with projects around their house, along with an ongoing to do list at our house. We manage to eat out or have them over for supper at least once a week and we’re absolutely loving the expansion of our family from three to four. We talk about our kids now instead of just our son.
We’re trying to find time to slip away for a much-needed vacation as well. Grant absolutely loves staying at the Bass Pro Pyramid in Memphis. So we’re trying to arrange a little getaway with our favorite newlyweds for Grant’s birthday next month.
Sorry I don’t have much to report this time. But I have lots of books to give away. So comment or answer the question to get in the drawing for winner’s choice from the pile of my editing babies pictured on the right. Deadline: April 1st, 11:59 pm central time. Want to read about the choices?
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Question for Readers: What’s going on with you? What projects or events are you busy with?
Come back March 28th for Janilise Lloyd!
My mom has flowers all over her yard and a small garden of tomatoes, bn. I love flowers and fresh vegetables, but don’t have the patience for it.
There is nothing pictured on right. I would take one and review it
I’m talking about the stack of books where the spines show.
Hi, not too much going on here in west Texas, it has been warm, so alot of our plants and trees are coming out, so I am hoping we won’t get a freeze spell, you just never know, we have been known to get snow on Easter. Just been cleaning up for some new plants which I will not be planting any time soon, maybe after Easter. Have a great weekend.
We had a slight freeze over the weekend. Then yesterday, it was muggy and 78. Today, we’re getting storms and possible tornadoes. I don’t mind since we have a storm shelter. But I want all my chicks home and they’re all at work. My husband and son should be home by the time it hits. But our daughter in law gets off just about the time it’s supposed to get bad. I told her to go to the courthouse. It’s 2 minutes from her work, while home is 15 minutes.
Not too much going on here right now, until the weather will warm up and stay that way for a while and then we can do some remodeling in the house with windows open.
We recently remodeled our dining room, Patricia. I need to stain window frames and base boards. I’m waiting for a day when I can open the windows to keep the smell down.
Hi Shannon! I just finished launching book #5 and have a book signing coming up in about a week. Laying the groundwork for my next novel in the series.
Just completed book 2 for your review!
That’s my other editing project I mentioned, Lisa. I’ll be getting into it very soon.
Awesome Cynthia! You go girl. I’m so happy for you.
We’ll, that answers a few of the questions I’ve been wondering about. 😊 I’m definitely ready for another one of your books to read!
So good to hear happy news from you. I am preparing for my first visit with a book club next week. They said sometimes authors being swag, so I put together a little Easter themed somethin’ somethin’ that includes bookmarks and chocolate! Campaigning for favorite author.
Oops. Authors bring swag. That’s why I need editors.
Me too. It’ll come. Eventually, Vicki.
My brain knew what you meant, Jenny. I read bring and had to go back to see what you were talking about. That sounds so fun. Wishing I was in that bookclub.
getting my garden ready as well as getting things ready for a ladies tea party at church next sunday!
I love fresh veggies, Shelia. But I’m just not a gardener. Long ago, I helped my grandmother dig potatoes and hoe the garden. It was hot and dirty and I didn’t ever want to do it again. So I didn’t. My aunt used to live next door and keep me supplied. But she moved. Sometimes people at church bring things from their garden though.
Thank you for the update!
We’re at the end of basketball season, yay! But volleyball club starts In early April, so busy again!
We’ve been going to softball games where our son graduated. We have a church family/family friend who plays, so we go to her games. I love softball. I stunk at it when I was a kid. I consistently hit it to the pitcher. Every time.
Hi Shannon! I just finished a novella, and I’m working on another one. We love the Bass Pro Shop in Memphis too. Have a great time!
Look at you go, Candace. From that sweet lady who e-mailed me about getting published, then showed up at the writer’s meeting. Now multi-published author. We’re looking forward to our trip.
We’ve been on spring break this week, so it’s been appointment time for the whole family. I had a mammogram on Monday. My oldest daughter had an appointment to switch her allergy meds on Tuesday. My youngest daughter got braces on Wednesday. Thursday I got to have dinner with one of my former students (I’m a substitute teacher), and give her some life advice and support. Today both my daughters got their hair cut. Tomorrow I get to help a friend move some furniture into her new house. We did have some fun last Friday, with a trip to Springdale, Arkansas, for some great Italian food at Mama Z’s, used book shopping at Once Upon a Time Books, snack shopping from the Little Debbie Outlet Store, and ice cream from Dairy Queen.
Wow, y’all got a lot done, Kim. I’m glad you added some fun in there. Mama Z’s sounds like my kind of place. I love Italian food!
I have been busy training my new coworkers and planning summer vacations.
I worked at a bank once, Sonnetta. It was very stressful and I always felt like it should take 2 people to get everything done. I found another job and gave my notice. They hired a lady. She went home crying after 2 days of training. The 2nd lady stayed a week. I was beginning to think it was me. When my 2 weeks were up, they still hadn’t hired anyone. They finally got someone who stayed a few years. When she left, they hired 3 people and split the job up. So it wasn’t me. I hope you have a great vacation.
Glad you are still writing. That’s such a good outlet for cognition, creativity & such!
Me too, Tesser. My brain feels better when I write.
Hi, Shannon. Just getting prepared to have a biopsy this next Wed., for a spot on the roof of my mouths, so would appreciate your prayers, that the outcome would be negative; also, that they, the dentist/doctor/pathologist would find the cause of all the inflammation in my body. In the meantime, more prayer, keeping busy in ministry (my husband is a pastor in our town–Montana), and reading CF as I can. . . I especially CF RS (Romantic Suspense). Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! Would love to win a print copy, especially since you are a new-to-me author! Again, appreciate everyone’s prayers for me this next week! God bless! I also invite you to go here to know more about me, and “Like” my Western art:
Just said a prayer for you Lual. I hope you’ll keep me posted. Us pastor’s wives have to stick together.
Thanks, Shannon, for your kind words. Yes, please pray for this pastor’s wife! Also, if you would be interested, I do have a harp CD available ($20, which includes shipping, or send me two of your print books :), titled Lual Krautter Tis True, which I’m sure you’d get a blessing from: all original songs, about various things we’ve gone through over the years. Truly the Lord has sustained us and brought us through various difficulties, and all glory goes to His name, and, hopefully, will win more souls to Him. My mailing address is: Lual Krautter, 712 Carter St., Deer Lodge, MT 59722. Pray we’ll have a good service tomorrow as well. Thanks, again. God bless! Lual To learn more about me, or to “Like” my Western art, I invite you to go here:
I can sympathize with how busy you are. I homeschool and at this point of the year I am usually fighting burnout and trying to finish the school year.
I can’t imagine homeschooling and getting anything else done, Cherie. I admire homeschooling moms. We’re in a small enough community to where public school is still a safe place. I’m glad because I don’t think I could have been mom and teacher.
I have a winner! Jane Squires won the drawing. I appreciate everyone for stopping by.