So y'all have been hearing from me a lot lately. Seems like several of my authors have had to cancel lately, so you get me. Lately, I've been mostly editing. But I only have one more project this … [Read more...]
Shannon Taylor Vannatter – Update
Shannon here: Due to a scheduling snafu, my guest couldn't make it today. So I thought I'd give an update on what's happening in my writing realm. Comment or answer the question in this post to enter … [Read more...]
Shannon Taylor Vannatter – Update – Part 1 of 2
I thought I should give everyone on an update on me. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing for my Christmas title, A Texas Holiday Reunion (Book 3 in my Texas … [Read more...]
Shannon Taylor Vannatter – Update – Part 1 of 1
I'm super excited about some good news I recently learned. My first Love Inspired title will release in September 2016. The book is tentatively titled Reuniting with the Cowboy. This book completes my … [Read more...]